1. An Initial Consultation for Non Invasive Fat Reduction (1 hour)
This is a consultation covering all of the non invasive methods of fat reduction for men and women.
Cellulite: Alidya Mesotherapy for Cellulite (1 hour)
Mesotherapy cocktail that targets cellulite.
Alidya is an injectable antilipodystrophic agent patented by Dr. Pasquale Motolese, and is sometimes referred to as 2nd Motolese’s Solution. According to the manufacturer, this is the first injectable ever to focus solely on correcting gynoid lipodystrophy, or cellulite, and other skin issues associated with cellulite.
Cellulite: HIFU for Cellulite Reduction (2 hours 20 mins)
Cellulite: Radiofrequency (1 hour 20 mins)
Non invasive, no pain, no downtime.
Radiofrequency induced heat gently stimulates collagen production, therefore tightening the skin.
Cryo Induced Lipolysis (Fat Freezing) (1 hour 30 mins)
Cryo induced lipolysis treatment can be performed on:
Bra Fat
It uses cold of down to -10C to crystallise the fat. It would normally crystallise 20-25% of fat in the area in one session, which would typically give about 1-1.5cm reduction.
Results vary.
Consultation prior to treatment is required.
Fat Dissolving Abdomen (1 hour 20 mins)
Fat dissolving using most appropriate injectable product in your individual case. Consultation is required prior to booking the treatment. Results vary.
Fat Dissolving Abdomen (1 hour)
Fat Dissolving Bra Fat (1 hour 20 mins)
Fat Dissolving Double Chin (1 hour)
Fat Dissolving Flanks (1 hour 20 mins)
Fat Dissolving Flanks (1 hour)
Fat Dissolving Thighs (1 hour 20 mins)
Lipocavitation Abdomen (1 hour 20 mins)
Lipocavitation will break down fat using ultrasound. The treatment is pain free and has no downtime.
A course of treatments is required to achieve a desirable result.
Results vary.
Lipocavitation for Arms Tightening (1 hour 20 mins)
Lipocavitation for Flanks (1 hour 20 mins)
Lipocavitation for Man Tummy Tightening (1 hour 20 mins)
Lipocavitation for Thighs (Inch Loss and Cellulite) (1 hour 20 mins)
Skin Tightening: Body Radiofrequency (1 hour 20 mins)
Non invasive. No pain, no downtime.
Following areas can be treated.
An area will be the size of about A4 on each side.
A course of treatments is required.
Skin Tightening: HIFU for Abdomen (skin tightening, stretch marks reduction) (2 hours 20 mins)
Includes treatment of the abdomen area, either side of the belly button. It does not include flanks or sides of the abdomen.
HIFU uses clinically proven non invasive high intensity focused ultrasound technology to create thermo-coagulation points. This triggers collagen regeneration, therefore tightening the skin.
Consultation is required. Results vary.
Skin Tightening: HIFU for Arms (both skin tightening and fat reduction) (2 hours 20 mins)
Consultation is required. Results vary.
Skin Tightening: Profhilo for Body Skin Booster (1 hour)
Can be used for:
Skin booster for the body targets skin laxity and loss of hyaluronic acid.