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Injectables with Dr. Dan (Injectables)

A Face to Face Consultation with the Aesthetic Doctor (30 mins)

This is a consultation with an Aesthetic Doctor. It is required to have a consultation prior to having any injectable treatments.

No treatment will be given without a prior consultation and assessment of suitability and safety of the treatment in your individual case.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics
Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with years of experience in aesthetics.

Anti Wrinkle Injectables | Bunny Lines (30 mins)

"Bunny lines" refer to the fine lines that appear on either side of your nose when you wrinkle it. Like many types of facial wrinkles, bunny lines are caused by repeating certain facial expressions.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with years of experience in aesthetics.

A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Anti Wrinkle Injectables | Hyperhidrosis (30 mins)

Excessive underarm sweating, treatment on both sides.

Like anti-wrinkle treatments, Botulinum Toxin A is mixed with saline and small amounts are injected into skin in the underarm. This over a period of 1-2 week will reduce or eliminate sweating, reducing the need for antiperspirants, protects clothing and helps with self esteem in certain situations

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with years of experience in aesthetics. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Anti Wrinkle Injectables | Nefertiti (Neck Lift) (30 mins)

This procedure aims to create a toned, smooth neck and lifted jawline by multiple injections of Botulinum Toxin Type A that are administered along the lower jawline as well as down the side of the neck, along the platysma muscle, in order to improve the definition of the jawline, rebalance the underlying muscles and provide ‘lifting’ in the neck and jaw area.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with years of experience in aesthetics. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Anti Wrinkle Injectables| Dimple Chin (30 mins)

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with years of experience in aesthetics. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Anti Wrinkle Injections | 1 Area of either frown lines, crows feet or forehead (30 mins)

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with years of experience in aesthetics. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Anti Wrinkle Injections | 2 Areas of either frown lines, crows feet or forehead (30 mins)

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with years of experience in aesthetics. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Anti Wrinkle Injections | 3 Areas of frown lines, crows feet and forehead (30 mins)

3 areas including frown lines, crows feet and forehead.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon who has many years experience in the aesthetics industry. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment at Fab Clinics before.

The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes and the results can last up to 3 months. With repeated treatments, the results may tend to last longer.

B12 injection (15 mins)

An injection of B12 can bring on immediate health benefits.

Increases Energy Levels and Concentration.
Improves Metabolism and may helps with weight loss.
Boosts the Immune System.
Helps Improve Sleep Patterns.
Helps Stop Certain Types of Hair Loss.

Dermal Filler Reversal (30 mins)

Using hyaluronidase, dermal filler can be dissolved from lips, nose, tear troughs, cheeks, anywhere that the result is not satisfactory or if reversal is wanted.

£150-£350 (this may be more depending on amount of filler requiring to be dissolved more than 1ml of filler may require more dissolving).

Dermal Filler | 0.5ml (30 mins)

The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes, and the results can last up to 6 to 12 months or 12 – 18 months depending on product used. Results may be seen immediately but swelling post procedure will give a more pronounced filler effect, which will settle and reduce over 7 to 14 days.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with many years experience in the aesthetics industry. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Dermal Filler | 1ml (1 hour)

The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes, and the results can last up to 6 to 12 months or 12 – 18 months depending on product used. Results may be seen immediately but swelling post procedure will give a more pronounced filler effect, which will settle and reduce over 7 to 14 days.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with many years experience in the aesthetics industry. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Dermal Filler | Lips (1 hour)

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with many years experience in the aesthetics industry.

Once Lip Filler has been undertaken to achieve the same appearance, further treatment will be required. Undertaking Lip Filler is following an understanding of this. Lip Filler will be introduced under topical (applied to the skin) or infection (dental block) anaesthetic. A combination of a needle (for vermillion border) and a cannula (longer blunt needle) for the body of the lip.
A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Dermal Filler | Marionette Lines (1 hour)

Marionette lines are also known as ageing sad mouth. These are lines running from the corner of the mouth down down.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with many years experience in the aesthetics industry. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Dermal Filler | Nasolabial Folds (1 hour)

Nasolabial folds are the indentation lines on either side of the mouth that extend from the edge of the nose to the mouth's outer corners.

This service is delivered by Dr. Dan Aesthetics. Dr. Dan is a consultant surgeon with many years experience in the aesthetics industry. A consultation is required prior to booking the treatment, if you have not had this treatment with Dr. Dan before.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Profhilo for A Face or Neck | 1 treatment (30 mins)

Profhilo® is an injectable, stabilised Hyaluronic Acid designed to remodel multi-layer skin tissue. It stimulates the fibroblasts and other cells in the skin to produce collagen and elastin. This has the effect of revitalizing skin and reintroducing volume and tightening the treated area.

Areas that can be treated are

Mid and lower face


Injectable hyaluronic acid (not dermal filler), classed as a skin booster. This product is great at treating fine and deep lines as well as skin laxity and uneven pigmentation. The product is injected into the skin at key points and with in a short time moves through the skin. Once in the skin regenerates and rejuvenates by using the skin own repair systems - elastin, collagen and fibroblasts. All things that are lost over time as we age.

This is a more modern way of treating ageing and is even better with combined treatments such as skin tightening.

The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes, and the results can last up to 3 months. With repeated treatments, the results may tend to last longer. Results may be seen after 4 weeks, by 8 weeks more obvious results should be seen. Maintenance treatment is required every 6-12 months for maximum and sustained results.

If you have recently had Covid19 or a Covid19 vaccine, it may impact on how soon you can have the treatment.

Redensity 1 (eyes and forehead) (30 mins)

Injectable hyaluronic acid (not dermal filler), used to stimulate the skins natural repair mechanisms - elastin and collagen. Treats deep and fine lines as well as skin laxity. Is used for around the eyes and forehead.